يوم المعلم 2024
يوم المعلمة 2024
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Dararrowad’s Resturant

By the end of the first semester grade eight’s students organized a restaurant as an outcome for the fifth unit “Is there any Ice-cream?”. With the supervision of their teacher, the students have been able to not only decorate the  activity hall but also serve and entertain the guests. The program was set into six parts hospitality, appetizers, games, main course and desserts. All together, the students were able to practice the language with their parents and teachers as guests.

Teacher: Jumanah Bukhari

Intermediate section

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حول المركز الإعلامي

نسعى في المركز الإعلامي في مدارس دار الرواد النموذجية تغطيـــة كافــــــة الأخبــــــــــار والفعاليات والمناسبات المتعلقة بجميع منسوبـــــي المدارس من طــــلاب وطالبــــات وكذلك الكــــــادر التعليمي والإداري لنبقى دوما معكم على الحدث أولا بأول. 

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